Saturday, June 25, 2005

Greatest American...

There used to be this idea...I think it lingers some today...that at-home moms are not very informed about things other than children and Oprah. I'd like to challenge fact I'd like to challenge all the American's who voted on Discovery Channel's Greatest American.

I wasn't so surprised by many who made the list and yet I was shocked by others who did. (you can see the whole list here:

What is most surprising is who didn't make the list. James Madison ... Father of the constitution of the United States of America....that document that defines our government...that makes America what it is....he's not on the list anywhere. Madonna is on the list. Michael Jackson is on the list. But in a contest about the Greatest American, the guy who helped shape our freedoms and rights isn't on the list???? What's that all about???

The Constitution is what all American's point too when they feel they have a "right" to do something? Freedom of speech, press and religion are in the constitution. The NRA uses the 2nd amendment to support the right to have guns. The right to protect oneself (including home, papers and property) from unreasonable search and seizure (ignored recently in the name of national security) is in the constitution. (To learn about the Constitution visit here.)

What does it say about Americans that James Madison isn't even on the list?

Another surprise was the top five from which the greatest American will be selected:

- George surprise but I don't think he should get credit without the rest of the founding fathers. He didn't do it alone. He did however set the precedent that the President's term should be limited.

- Abraham Lincoln ... no surprise there and my personal favorite. A true rags to riches story. A man with integrity who held the country together.

- Martin Luther King, JR.. also a good choice although without Lincoln his impact would have been pretty small I think.

- Benjamin Franklin .... the renaissance man who discovered electricity, invented the bi-focal lens, and created the Poor Richard's almanac. He's an interesting choice but I don't like that he hunted Native Americans.

- Ronald Reagan...huh? For those of you who like Reagan, please don't see this as a negative but when you have other people like Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, Jonas Salk (pharmaceuticals could take lessons in healing without greed from this guy) just seems there are so many more people who made a bigger and more positive impact than Ronald Reagan did.

Anyway, if you are curious about who will be voted as the Greatest American ever, you can visit the Discovery Channel here.