Sunday, November 13, 2005

Fast Cash

I love working at home. But sometimes, the income is a little on the light side. I'm certain that the up and down nature of income is why many people stay away from working at home. Of course, over the years I have talked to 100's of people who are about to be laid off or have been laid off so jobs don't seem so great either.

So what is a person to do when cash is low? Particularly when the car breaks down or the holidays are coming (or in my case...both!).

I love eBay and Amazon. I don't know how people ever got along with out them. They are the best ways to make some quick cash. Some people do make a livin using these services but I prefer to use them when I need a few bucks fast.

I like Amazon's program for books, videos, and computer games. Simply input the item's number, a price and a comment and its listed. I have sold stuff within minutes of listing it. Plus, Amazon gives you a shipping credit. Last week I made an extra $100 selling a few books! Who couldn't use a $100?

Then there is eBay. eBay has gotten easier to work with but still requires more involvement than Amazon especially if you want a fancy looking page. But eBay is great for unusual things. I sold my chili pepper wreaths last year! Right now I'm getting ready to list my sons Yu Gi Oh duel disk, a Mary Kay color palette, some sunglasses, and a great internet marketing training program.

If you need a few extra bucks, go through your house and find books you've read but don't want to keep (or those you haven't read and don't plan to read). Collect old videos too and any other items in good condition that you don't use. Name brand clothing, toys, electronics and even obscure items such as chili pepper wreaths are great sells on ebay.

Don't forget, you can find great bargains at these places too that will help you save money for the holidays as well.


Saturday, November 05, 2005

What's the big deal about racing?

This morning I got my butt out of bed at 6:30 am (I hate getting up early but to get up early on Saturday...well...did you see the flying pigs?). I signed up to run in a race to raise money for Katrina Relief. I have never run a race before, at least not since 2nd grade. I don't even like to run very much but it has been the most effective way to help me keep my weight down.

This race was a bi-athalon; biking and running. I don't like to ride my bike much so I partnered with someone who didn't want to run.

My normal run is about 3 to 3 1/2 miles in about 32-38 minutes.. so I run about 10 3/4 minute miles. My goal was to try and beat that.

When my partner got back on her bike, she was about 5th place out of about 30. I headed out and immediately thought my heart was going to explode from my chest. And I wasn't even running that fast!! I think maybe it was nerves? Or maybe that it was 8:23 on a Saturday morning (still prime sleeping time). At the mile mark it was 8:31 p.m. That's an 8 minute mile. No wonder I felt terrible.

I ended in 29 minutes which is less than a 10 minute mile...barely but still less. A personal best. I am proud of myself. But, I'll never do it again and I don't know why people do that to themselves. I darn near barfed when I finished.

Running a race is now 1 "something to do before I die" goal that I can mark off my list!

I think I'll work on going to Eurodisney next.


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

National Novel Writing Month

Well, I'm going to try it again. I'm going to write a 50,000 word novel (draft) as part of Nataional Novel Writing Month. Story writing is one of those hobbies that I'd love to have more time for, but I just can't seem to fit into my busy schedule. Even though I have a flexible schedule as a work-at-home mom, running several internet businesses, doing parttime social work, and taking care of the kids (notice I left out housework...), keeps me really busy. I don't have a lot of extra time for hobbies. (The truth is, when I have time, I'm not in the mood to write. And when I feel like writing, I have too many other things that take precedence.) But, this is one goal I'd like to achieve and I thought what better way than a novel writing challenge.

To reach the 50K goal, I need to average 1666 words per day. Already I'm ahead of that average with 2314 words. It also beats my accomplishment from last year which was only 1700 words. Sixteen hundred words is really not bad. If I know what I want to say, it takes just over an hour to write 1700 words. The problem is not knowing what to say or continuing to write when it's the worst piece of writing ever written.

I'm trying to ignore the inner-critic which is hard because my current writing is terrible and doesn't have the "sound" or "voice" I'd like it to have. I like the humor and quirkiness of Janet Evanovich and Jennifer Crusie but my attempt at humor and quirkiness is really bad.

For now, I'm trying to ingore the terrible writing and just get all the ideas down with the intent of tweaking it later. I'll be able to infuse humor and quirkiness (and grammar and punctuation)in later, assuming I can find the humor and quirkiness in me.

If you have a book in you, check out National Novel Writing Month at
