Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Ready for the holidays????

Well, I can hardly believe it but I'm nearly ready for Christmas...with 3 days to go! How did that happen? As I have mentioned before, I'm organizationally challenged. I have difficulty keeping track of everything and taking care of things in a timely manner. My kids permission slips usually are returned the day they are due after 20 minutes of looking for them on my desk. Work is done last minute if it has a deadline. Some work has no deadline and of course is yet to get done.

So how did it happen that my Christmas shopping is done and the food for Christmas dinner is bought? Amazing!

Of course, most the wrapping is not done. Whew...for a minute I thought I was organized.


Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Rock n Roll Sell Out???

Is it me or are more and more rock songs finding their way to commercials and t.v. shows? Its not that I mind so much. The Jag commercials with Sting were kind of neat and I guess helped Sting's career. And The Who song for CSI is cool too. But who thought of pairing Buick and Aerosmith? I just don't see it. I may be wrong but when I think of Buick I think of my grandma... you know big luxury car. That's not Aerosmith. I equate Aerosmith with edginess and scantily clad women. That fits Harley more than Buick.

I have been hearing other songs too although I can't remember what they were promoting. I'm pretty sure one was a Beattles song. Shocking. But I guess Michael Jackson (who owns the Beattles music) need the cash. (That's a whole other topic better saved for another time).

Is anyone else surprised by all the classic rock songs appearing on television?