Thursday, February 17, 2005

Mommy make-overs...

I enjoy a good makeover. Its great to see a tired, frumpy, overworked mom get pampered and reveal the beauty that was there before children and life made it easier to wear sweats and go without make-up. But, I always wonder, what happens after?

Today I watched BBC's Susannah and Trinny from What Not To Wear make over several moms (and some weren't moms but lets focus on moms here) on Oprah. Most of these moms said they chose comfort over style but clearly felt pretty in their new duds and new doo. But, were they really going to wear those strappy shoes while doing the laundry?

Here are some other things that came to mind as I watched the show:

What are these moms going to wear all the other days? They only got 1 great outfit. If they are like me, they don't have the time or the money to shop for clothes that hide the flaws.

What's the deal with the husbands and male co-workers nominating these moms? These guys hadn't maintained their bachelor beauty either with their pot bellies and receding hairlines. Who are they to talk about their once beautiful wife who has let her self go?

If it were me, I'd be back to the old jeans, sweats and sneakers the next day. I may look frumpy but I'm the only one here to look at me. And lets face it...comfort take priority when the job is to clean the toilet.


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Mom's Day away...

I frequently joke with my friends that I don't get out much. Working at home has lots of perks such as sleeping in or napping. But, it also means that I work where I live. By the time Friday comes, I'm really feeling the need to get out. My kids and husband don't have that same need. In fact, because they are gone most the day, they prefer to hang out at home on the weekends.

I have tried to remedy this by having my "mommy day away" one morning or afternoon a week. The best mommy day is spent sipping coffee and reading at Barnes and Noble. Sometimes my mommy day is spent running errands which isn't so bad because it means I get leave the house.

Once every year or so, I actually take off over night. Last year I had a mom's night out with my mom and that was terrific. We had dinner, shopped and saw a movie. Last week, I was able to drive 3 hours to see a friend and catch a live show. This may sound really weird, but this friend (actually there was a group of us) I met online. About four years ago we all got together for "sleepover" and 2 years ago we met in New York and caught a show there.

Anyway, last Wednesday after putting my kids on the bus, I drove the 3 hours to Baltimore. We hung out for a bit and then went to see the King & I. The part of Anna was played by Stefanie Powers which some people may remember from the 80's show Hart to Hart. Myself and my friends help raise money for her foundation the William Holden Wildlife Foundation (if you don't know Bill Holden rent the movie Sabrina...the first one... or Picnic). Afterwards we got to have dinner with Stefanie which was fun. Its kind of weird mingling with famous people. My father used to say, "They don't s&$t daisies." which was his way to trying to tell me the are only human. But when I meet celebrities, I don't think about their bodily functions and I couldn't help but be a little awed even though it was the third time I've met her.

But I'm getting off the point. After the dinner we hung out at my friends house. I was up to 3:30 am... I hadn't been up that late since my daughter was a baby. The next day I drove home...and back to my regular life. I'm not complaining about my life. Its terrific. I have a great husband and kids. But it was nice to have 24 hours of something else that didn't require my being a mom.
I suggest every parent...heck every body have a "day away" especially doing something that involves an interest or a hobby. Not only is it fun but its refreshing and energizing.


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

What's with the reruns???

Is it me or are television shows having more reruns earlier in the year? When I was growing up, weekly shows had something like 24 episodes a year. I think its 18 now. Most seasons start late September and its only February...16 weeks. I understand reruns during the holidays but it feels like the season's just started. I feel like I'm just settling in to the new characters and bam...rerun. Even Oprah has had many reruns and seems to be doing shows that just show clips of old shows. What is television coming to?

I don't watch that much television but when I do, I'd like to see something new. How about you? Do you think the reruns are starting early?