Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Advantages of not having a job outside the home

Today I was reminded of why it advantageous to not work outside the home. My daughter is home sick with a 101.6 fever. With a job, I'd have to call in and use up a sick day allocated by the job (how do they decide that stuff anyway?)

There was a time when I found a work-at-home job... highly coveted I know. But I hated it because after years of working for myself, I had a boss to report to. I didn't like that. When my family wanted to go out of town for a few days, I had to ask permission. I quickly requested to be put in a contract position instead. This worked really well until the company merged and got a new director. Out of courtesy I emailed and said I'd be out on vacation and I got a note back saying it was "approved". Huh? I wasn't asking permission.

I had a talk with the company and said I was feeling like an employee and I didn't want that. I was actually calling to quit but they said they wanted me to stay and said they'd work it out. Well...alright.

For me, the flexibility to come and go and work when I want to is the best part of working at home. That doesn't mean I slack off. I know that I use 100% more mental energy working at home than I did for a boss. And I don't get paid unless I do work so I can't slack off. But I can set my own schedule, be available to my children, and work when its most convenient to me.



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