Mom's treats
This is my first Halloween on the South Beach diet. The first challenge came today while attending parties at my children's school. It didn't help that I was running behind so I didn't get lunch. Fortunately, my son's class had some carrots. But the cookies sure looked good. My daughters class was nearly impossible. Banana Wonka Taffy.... Hershey Chocolate... Both my favorites. But... I DID IT! No even a taste of any candy.
Contrary to common belief, South Beach is not really low carb but better choice carb and fat. The truth is, I eat a lot more fat now than I have in the last several years. But what I learned that often, when removing the fat, food manufacturers add sugar...and that makes you fat too. I eat peanut butter and nuts...both of which I love. And I do eat some high carb foods but they come in the form of fiber like garbonzo beans and whole wheat bread.
I have met many people on South Beach who struggle with not eating breads or pasta....which you can eat in moderation and you should choose high fiber ones. I find that I don't miss bread or pasta except for the convenience of using them. But I do miss sweets! That has been really hard. I have tried the low carb goodies but you have to watch...they are loaded with fat and calories.
So, I have taken to make my own goodies. I found a recipe somewhere that included, unsweetened chocolate, peanut butter, oatmeal (don't use quick cook. I use steel cut oats and mill them in my blender.) and Splenda or Stevia (sweetener). It also included a cup of butter... but it was good.
My latest attempts have been more on my own. I have tried unsweetened chocolate, Splenda, and vanilla, melted, mixed then cooled to candy. But unsweetened chocolate has a bitter edge to it. My next attempt I added some skim milk. While it was edible to me, it was still a little bitter. Finally, I added margarine (non-transfatty kind), with the chocolate, sweetener, vanilla, and oats. I put them in little balls on a tray and refridgerated. They were very good.
With Thanksgiving coming, I'm working on ways to have my "cake" and eat it too. While the South Beach diet does allow splurging every-now-and-then especially on holidays, I find that once I let go, its hard to rein myself back in. So I think with my own chocolate confections, I'm going to see about cranberry sauce made with sweetener and pecan goodies without sugar...that will be hard. But pecan pie is a favorite of mine. I might just have to indulge.
Do you have any good recipes that are low carb or low sugar? Please share. I'm desperate.
Contrary to common belief, South Beach is not really low carb but better choice carb and fat. The truth is, I eat a lot more fat now than I have in the last several years. But what I learned that often, when removing the fat, food manufacturers add sugar...and that makes you fat too. I eat peanut butter and nuts...both of which I love. And I do eat some high carb foods but they come in the form of fiber like garbonzo beans and whole wheat bread.
I have met many people on South Beach who struggle with not eating breads or pasta....which you can eat in moderation and you should choose high fiber ones. I find that I don't miss bread or pasta except for the convenience of using them. But I do miss sweets! That has been really hard. I have tried the low carb goodies but you have to watch...they are loaded with fat and calories.
So, I have taken to make my own goodies. I found a recipe somewhere that included, unsweetened chocolate, peanut butter, oatmeal (don't use quick cook. I use steel cut oats and mill them in my blender.) and Splenda or Stevia (sweetener). It also included a cup of butter... but it was good.
My latest attempts have been more on my own. I have tried unsweetened chocolate, Splenda, and vanilla, melted, mixed then cooled to candy. But unsweetened chocolate has a bitter edge to it. My next attempt I added some skim milk. While it was edible to me, it was still a little bitter. Finally, I added margarine (non-transfatty kind), with the chocolate, sweetener, vanilla, and oats. I put them in little balls on a tray and refridgerated. They were very good.
With Thanksgiving coming, I'm working on ways to have my "cake" and eat it too. While the South Beach diet does allow splurging every-now-and-then especially on holidays, I find that once I let go, its hard to rein myself back in. So I think with my own chocolate confections, I'm going to see about cranberry sauce made with sweetener and pecan goodies without sugar...that will be hard. But pecan pie is a favorite of mine. I might just have to indulge.
Do you have any good recipes that are low carb or low sugar? Please share. I'm desperate.