Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Mom's tools.... laptop and coffee maker

Long ago, mom's favorite tools may have been a dishwasher or self-cleaning oven, but my favorite tools are my laptop and coffee maker. Neither of them help in the homemaker role but lets face it, appliances may make life easier but cleaning is still no fun.

The choice of coffee maker should be evident; I drink decaf but still have to have my cup of coffee ... or two. And with decaf, I can have more than 2 and even late at night!

But my laptop...wow. I can work on the couch or in bed (where I am now). And the creme de la creme... work in a coffee house! The smell of fresh brewed coffee and the hum of my laptop... life doesn't get much better than that. Well, okay, it does get better but working in a cafe sure beats a real job!



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