Friday, October 01, 2004

Lost blog

I posted a blog the other day but an error prevented it from posting. And I just didn't want to write the whole thing out again.

Today was my "mommy day" which is my day off for myself. So now I'm a bit more rested and ready to re-write my blog.

The other day, I sent a note with both my kids telling their teachers to keep them after school because I had a teacher conference with my son's teacher. When I arrived at school, I found my son wandering the hallway. "What are you doing?" "Looking for Hannah," he replied. Huh...? "Isn't she with her teacher?" No. After some scrambling I discovered my daughter had a substitute that day who said she put Hannah on the bus as she hadn't seen a note to do otherwise. She did say she got to the class at about 9:30 which mean there must have been an aide covering the class. The aide reported the same... no note.

I called my husband and told him I had to run home to get Hannah off the bus so he would have to do the conference alone. And off I rushed...well as much as a mom can rush behind a train of school buses.

I didn't get home in time but did manage to catch her bus. I asked her why she didn't give her teacher that day a note. She told me she did but that the teacher gave it back. Huh?

I dug the note out of her backpack. On it was a note back to me saying her teacher wasn't there. So? I finally determined that the aide/sub thought my conference was with Hannah's teacher hence the note. But then I got to thinking... how would I get the message about her teacher being out by their writing it on a note and giving it back to Hannah? I wouldn't see it until I saw her... and I was planning to see her at school. Can you follow me on this? My phone numbers were on the note. If my conference was cancelled, they should have called... don't you think? And if they called, I would have said my conference was with another teacher, please keep Hannah after school and I'll pick her up there.

My real beef isn't so much that they failed to realize that I wouldn't know about her teacher not being their without a call. Its that one of them (sub or aide) lied to me. Hannah did give one of them the note and then lied to me about it. Hannah's eyes got wide when I told her that they both told me she didn't give the note. "That's a lie." Yes it is. One of them, and I think I know who, tried to pass the blame to Hannah and that isn't right. I'm not an unreasonable mom and would have understood the mess up.

Let me just say at this point in case people are thinking public schools are awful that this issue is not a public school problem. The problem is the person who lied...public school didn't create that. I support public schools wholeheartedly. They are a microcosm of society allowing my children to learn real world issues they can grow by. But more than that, public school is one of those basic freedoms and rights that our country was founded on. At the time, the idea of educating everyone was revolutionary. And like many other great visions of our forefathers, its taken for granted and not given the respect and support it deserves.

So I still support public school, but I will be having a talk with someone about lying to parents and children.



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