Thursday, April 07, 2005

Reason number 47 to work-at-home

The other day I was reminded again at how awesome it is to work from home. The sun was out and the temperature was just right. So I took my laptop and sat on my porch swing to do my work. At 3:30 when the kids were home, I packed up a snack and took them to the park. Yep, life was great.

The great thing about working at home isn't just the flexibility of when you work but where as well. I have worked at Barnes & Nobles and the local cafe enjoying froo froo coffee as I worked. I have worked on the beach and at the pool (although usually I try to have my work done so I can actually play). I have worked while snuggled warmly in bed and even while on the couch watching television.

But one of my favorites is when spring arrives and I finally can venture outside and enjoy the flowers and warmth while on my swing.



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