Friday, January 21, 2005

Multiple streams = multiple chaos

When I first wanted to work at home, one of the many books I read was a book that talked about having multiple income streams. This wasn't Robert Allen's book. I can't remember the name but it talked about having lots of little businesses. She equated it to spinning several pie plates at one time. It sounded like a great idea. But now I know different. If you really think about it spinning many pie plates could be messy. Do you remember the baker on Sesame Street? "Ten coconut cream pies...." And then he'd crash to ground with pies all over. I have crashed yet, but I do often feel like I'm teetering on the edge.

The problem with multiple income streams is that in many cases you can only do the bare minimum to keep it running but never enough to really get it up and running. One stream is constantly taking time away from another stream. When I think of great ideas, they take so much time to implement that other streams get neglected.

Being organized...which is a challenge for me... is a definite must in running multiple streams. But there is only so much time in a day. There is only so much you can do. There is a limit to how many streams can be effectively run to earn income.

So, am I against multiple income streams? No. But I do recommend limiting the number. And when starting, focus on one stream, getting to run as smoothly with systems and routines before beginning the next.

oops....gotta run... a pie seems to be spinning of kilter....



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